Urban Star Media NEW CLIENT ONE YEAR PAYMENT SCALE & PLAN One Year Advertisement Special Two Payments Of $777.00 For One Year First Six Months $777.00 Second Six Months $777.00 One Year $1.554.00 All prices are subjuct to production cost. If clients have pre-produce materials there is no production cost. Production cast is on case by case bases. As a family based private business, we hold the right to refuse busines and or content that goes against our cultural values. . Up to 1Hr Show Slot for Pre-produce Videos On Urban Star TV . Website Ad, with site to site link ($75 for monthly update) . Three 30 Second Audio Urban Star Radio Promo Commercials. First Three Commercials Free. ($150 Basic Production Cost) . One 30 Second Urban Star TV Promo Commercial. First Three Commercials Free. ($250 Basic Production Cost) . Social Media Post. Weekly Social Media Post On Instantgram & Facebook